Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks

April 21, 2021

Expanded protections for volunteer firefighters under Warnick bill

Under a new law, volunteer firefighters will see additional workplace protections. State Sen. Judy Warnick sponsored Senate Bill 5384, which was signed by the governor late last week and makes a small but significant change to how these public servants are defined in the Industrial Welfare Act. Warnick said lessons...
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March 02, 2021

Senate unanimously approves Warnick bill to boost local meat production

As the COVID-19 outbreak spread in Washington, toilet paper wasn’t the only commodity in short supply. Consumers may recall that the butcher’s block was increasingly scarce, and prices were climbing. Estimates are that meat production, particularly of beef and pork, dropped by 30 percent. To protect the state’s food supply...
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September 16, 2020

Warnick urges stiff penalties for Inslee’s apple maggot gaffe

In an effort to console eastern Washington communities devastated by wildfires, Gov. Jay Inslee recently stopped for a public event in the town of Malden. During his remarks, Inslee offered words of encouragement and a seemingly benign gift – a box of apples picked from his own yard. However, the...
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September 02, 2020

Agritourism rules dust-up highlights need for better engagement, say Senate ag leaders

Washingtonians continue to cope with the COVID-19 impacts often made worse by unclear, inconsistent and hastily drafted executive orders. The most recent victims of such rushed rules were agritourism businesses. Late last week, the governor’s office issued rules that essentially shut down the industry, while letting other similar activities take...
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February 13, 2020

Warnick legislation to improve state food supply clears Legislature

The state legislature has approved a bill sponsored by state Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake that would formalize a public-private partnership to improve the state’s food-supply system. Senate Bill 6091 outlines goals of the Washington Food Policy forum, to include support for small farms, increasing the availability of food grown...
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April 17, 2019

Warnick bill strengthens livestock identification program

The Washington State Legislature has approved a proposal by state Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, aimed at strengthening the state’s livestock identification program. Senate Bill 5959, approved with strong bipartisan support, now heads to the governor for his signature. “This is an invaluable program to the protection of the livestock...
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March 28, 2018

Warnick animal inspection bill signed by governor

Gov. Inslee signed legislation sponsored by Sen. Judy Warnick in a ceremony Tuesday. Senate Bill 6369 removes an exemption on veterinary inspections of animals brought into Washington state. Under current law, importers are exempt from an inspection if an animal is delivered to a feedlot, slaughter plant or livestock market...
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March 23, 2018

Warnick seed certification bill signed by Governor

Thursday, the governor signed Senate Bill 6278. The new law, introduced by Sen. Judy Warnick, will provide greater flexibility to the state Department of Agriculture regarding how it uses fees collected for certifying agricultural, vegetable and flower seeds. “It is vital to our state’s agricultural industry that we have a...
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March 19, 2018

Governor signs Warnick bill giving boost to Washington’s agricultural fairs

Sen. Judy Warnick’s bill to update state law concerning agricultural fairs and youth shows was signed Tuesday by Gov. Jay Inslee. Senate Bill 6368 makes broad changes to fair funding access, flexibility of funds and administrative oversight. The new law, which received unanimous support in the Legislature, will take effect...
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