Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks
Warnick appointed to drought committee as governor declares emergency
Sen. Judy Warnick has been appointed to the Joint Legislative Committee on Drought. Her selection came ahead of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Friday-morning declaration of a drought emergency for the east side of the central Cascade Mountains. “I spoke with the Department of Ecology about the impending drought declaration and am glad...
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Senate adopts Warnick bill to modernize animal disease traceability
Beginning in 2011, the Washington State Department of Agriculture implemented the Animal Disease Traceability to better track animals and locate instances of disease. Senate Bill 5733, sponsored by Sen. Judy Warnick, was approved in a nearly unanimous vote Monday. The measure would implement an electronic livestock transaction system. “We are...
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Senate approves changes to collective bargaining for Department of Fish and Wildlife officers
Enforcement officers for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife must currently bargain collectively for a master agreement with the governor’s office that may include provisions not requested by the agency. The Senate passed Senate Bill 5763, sponsored by Senator Judy Warnick, R – Moses Lake which allows enforcement officers...
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Railroad returns to Port of Royal Slope ownership
Sen. Judy Warnick’s bill, Senate Bill 5529 which returns ownership of the 26 mile state-owned railroad tracks to Port of Royal Slope cleared the Senate. The legislation gives the port authority five years to contract an operator for the rail line and gives supplies from the recent rehabilitation projects paid...
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Senate approves cottage industry bill
To meet the increasing popularity and demand for cottage foods, Sen. Judy Warnick, R- Moses Lake introduced Senate Bill 5603 which passed the Senate unanimously. The legislation increases the amount that kitchen to consumer vendors can make from $15,000 to $25,000. “I am glad that we have been able to...
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Ag committee looks at Warnick bills that would protect farmland
Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, has introduced three pieces of legislation aimed at preserving and clarifying the use of agricultural lands in the context of the state’s shoreline-management and growth-management laws. All three received public hearings Tuesday before the Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development Committee. “Agricultural land cannot...
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Sen. Warnick’s E-newsletter – Jan. 27, 2015
January 27, 2015 Greetings Friends and Neighbors, It is truly an honor to serve as your state senator. While I am still familiarizing myself with the nuances of life here in the Senate, I continue working hard on issues that impact our district. Being in the majority offers new opportunities...
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