Getting involved in the 2021 legislative session
Greetings Friends and Neighbors, The Legislature has officially convened for its 2021 session. This year we are meeting virtually, except for the few legislators in caucus leadership positions who must be physically present to comply with constitutional requirements. This first week wasn’t without its challenges, but I’m pleasantly surprised with...
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Taking a Stand
Greetings from Olympia, A great deal has happened in the Legislature since I last wrote to you. As I mentioned in my previous newsletter, the Senate was voting on bills to send to the House. I’m very pleased that a couple of bills that I sponsored were approved and will...
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Nearing the half-way point
Greetings from Olympia, This past Friday the Senate had one of its first deadlines that we call the policy cutoff. It was the last day for bills that aren’t budgetary to receive a public hearing and move along the process. The Senate budget committee, Ways and Means, worked late into...
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We can’t tax our way to prosperity
March 14, 2019 Greetings from Olympia, We have reached a significant deadline in the legislative process, and have spent the past week and a half working late into the night voting on bills before the cutoff this past Wednesday. This means that only bills that were approved by their respective chambers...
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Update from Olympia
Greetings from Olympia, I hope that you are faring well after this most recent spate of winter weather. The state Legislature’s work has been slowed considerably, even seeing the cancellation of business this past Monday. We are fast approaching a deadline, so now that operations are back to normal, there...
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Update from Olympia
Greetings Friends and Neighbors, The first week of the 2019 legislative session has been a whirlwind. This past Monday, I was sworn-in for another 4-year term. It is an honor to continue to serve you in the state Senate. On Tuesday, the governor outlined his priorities for the legislative session....
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The Results are In
Before the legislative session began, I sent out a newsletter with a survey asking for your input. Here are the results. I will be working hard to ensure our district is heard, and will be a voice for restraint when it comes to spending your tax dollars.
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What to expect in the 2019 legislative session
Dec. 21, 2018 Greetings Friends, It has been awhile since connecting with you due to election-year restrictions, but those have ended and I will be sending out more regular updates. In my first newsletter, I want to take a moment to recognize the great people who call our district home....
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The Legislature adjourned, Sine Die
March 12, 2018 Greetings from Olympia, The 2018 legislative session concluded on time, March 8. The short sessions are an opportunity to develop what’s referred to as a supplemental budget. The state budgets on two-year cycles, called a biennial budget, which we adopted last year and takes us through 2019. The...
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