Tag Archives: Charter Schools

Sen. Warnick’s E-newsletter – January 21, 2016


Update from Olympia – January 21, 2015

Greetings Friends and Neighbors,

I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start. Things are already busy here in Olympia in the second week of the 2016 legislative session. With only 60 days in this “short” session, the Legislature must focus its work on the real priorities of state government like investing in education and reducing burdensome regulations. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the political aisle to deliver results for the citizens of our state.

The Legislature adjourned in 2015, after numerous overtime sessions, with a new budget that made history. Investments in our K-12 system are at all-time highs, with nearly 50 percent of state spending going to basic education. Our Senate majority led the way with the first college-tuition reduction in state history, giving needed relief to working families and students across the state. I look forward to building on these kinds of results in this legislative session.


Committee Highlights


I continue to serve as the chair of the Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development Committee. This year we have already begun looking at ways to comprehensively address our state’s water quality and access needs. Last year’s drought had significant impacts on our state’s farmers, families and small businesses. Although experts are not predicting a drought this year, we must work together to find ways to mitigate future drought problems.

In addition, the Legislature must invest in communities affected by last year’s fire season so that they can rebuild and recover.  Although our district was not directly impacted by wildfires, firefighters from our community and around the state lent a helping hand to our neighbors in need. Addressing wildfires means more than focusing on recovery. Our state must also push for better forest management to prevent the buildup of fuels on the forest floor.


Continuing to improve education


Public school employees and me outside of my office in the Irv Newhouse Building in Olympia

Our Senate majority is working to reverse the effects of 30 years of budget decisions that put education at a lower priority than non-education programs. Since the formation of the Senate Majority Coalition in 2013, per-student funding has increased by over 33 percent and overall spending on K-12 education is at levels not seen in decades. That is strong progress.

Along with these significant changes, the Legislature must also act to protect school choice. Late last summer the state Supreme Court ruled that the way public charter schools are funded is unconstitutional. Our Senate education committee has already approved legislation that responds to the justices’ ruling and would preserve school choice for over 1,000 students in our state whose needs aren’t being met in traditional public schools.

I recently met with public school employees here in Olympia and I want to thank them for their hard work for our students and for taking the time to speak with me about their experiences.These kinds of meetings are invaluable as we work to improve education for children in our state.


It is an honor to serve as your state Senator. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions regarding state government.



Judy Warnick,

13th District Senator


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Olympia Office:

103 Irv Newhouse Bldg.

P.O. Box 40410

Olympia, WA 98504

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Sen. Judy Warnick’s E-newsletter – October 1, 2015



Update from Olympia – October 1, 2015


I hope that you have had a safe and fun summer. As fall arrives there is a lot going on throughout our area and in Olympia. I recently traveled with my House colleagues around our legislative district visiting local newspapers to discuss the recent court decisions on education as well as other issues facing our district and state.


Rep. Tom Dent and I speak with Editor of the Royal City Register, Ted Escobar over lunch

Recently the Supreme court issued two rulings. One places a fine of $100,000 a day on the Legislature (and ultimately taxpayers) for what the court views is a failure to adequately fund education. This is despite the fact that since the Majority Coalition Caucus began leading the Senate in 2013, the Legislature has invested $4.5 billion more in education. Education spending now makes up nearly half of the state’s budget. This ruling is concerning in that I believe the court has overstepped its authority. Our state constitution is clear that the legislative branch is responsible for making decisions on spending, not the judicial branch.

The second ruling deemed voter-approved charter schools unconstitutional. This is simply an unfair decision to the thousands of students and parents who are already enrolled and excelling at new public charter schools. The court’s decision has been deeply criticized for its timing and lack of foresight which puts other successful education programs at risk as well. The state attorney general recently filed a motion for the court to reconsider its ruling and even former governor Christine Gregoire, who opposed charter schools, called the decision, “not right, not fair.” This particular case has raised many eyebrows because many of the justices that ruled in the majority received significant campaign contributions from the state teachers’ union who vehemently opposes school choice. I recommend you read a recent article about the case by clicking here.


Looking Ahead

As the chair of the Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development Committee, I am mindful of the challenges our state – and particularly our area – face when it comes to water access and quality. This year those issues are compounded even more by the severe drought that has affected every corner of our state, but has hit our agricultural communities in eastern Washington the hardest. While I’m grateful the Legislature approved emergency funds to assist communities across our state that are suffering,, the fact remains that money can’t replace needed water. Thankfully, our farmers and citizens have done an excellent job of preserving and protecting our water resources.

I have been closely monitoring the state Department of Agriculture’s new push to increase inspections for dairies and farmers using manure as fertilizer aimed at preventing run-off and ground water pollution. This may be an example of unneeded, burdensome regulations. Just this past Monday the governor’s office issued a list of businesses they intend to target with a new tax on their carbon output. The list included McCain Foods, a local food processor in Othello. Why are they included in a list among industries like oil refineries and power plants? The fact is that our state will reach its goals to reduce carbon without these types of risky interventions that burden businesses and working families.


Around the District

Warnick One America

Rep. Tom Dent, his wife and myself with a community member accessing the Citizenship Day in Moses Lake

In addition to meeting with our local newspapers, I recently attended an event at Big Bend Community College called the New Americans’ Citizenship Day. This was a free event to help current legal permanent residents apply for citizenship. Becoming a citizen is a lengthy and expensive process and this workshop provided help to immigrants seeking to achieve the American Dream by becoming citizens of our great country. The program is in part funded by the state Department of Commerce and was graciously hosted by Big Bend Community College. I commend these volunteers and the more than 70 people seeking to become American citizens from all over the world including Mexico, Denmark, and Argentina.


It is an honor to serve as your state Senator. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions regarding state government.



Judy Warnick,

13th District Senator


Contact Me

Olympia Office:

103 Irv Newhouse Bldg.

P.O. Box 40410

Olympia, WA 98504

Olympia Phone:


District Phone:





Click here to visit my website.


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